I was working on phonics with Anna (3 1/2) this morning and she said "mom, remember when I was two years old and you were one year old and I knew how to read and you didn't?!"
When Taylor and Kelsey were in town they got the kids hooked on "the yellow car game". We were in the car a few days ago and the kids wanted to call them and tell them that we'd seen a yellow car. Samuel asked if we had their 'password' (phone number!)-- no more Webkinz for him!
We recently re-read Eric Liddell's biography (think Chariots of Fire and you'll have the right guy), I read the line that said "he had no choice, he had to compete . . . besides, he was enjoying running". Daniel, upon hearing that, said "yeah mom, like I do, but you make me have
too much education to do it
at all!"
We were meeting a friend at Pizza Hut. When I told the kids where we were going, the boys cheered and said "I want to go to Pizza Hut" . . . Anna chimed in "I want to go on the pizza hunt too!"
I was pulling a nail out of the wall when Sam told me "mom, I think if you do that it might make the house wreck"
The three younger kids got to hang out at Chuck E Cheese with us one night recently(while Levi and Emily were both attending birthday parties). Samuel loves their nifty machine that puts your face on a little plastic picture card. The machine had a hiccup and printed out a blank spot where his face was supposed to be. We explained that maybe it was out of order, but he got it to work the next time (and a few more times after that!) When we picked Emily back up later that evening, Sam showed her the different cards he'd gotten. When he got to that one, he said "oh, on that one my face was out of order!"
Samuel was enjoying his breakfast one day and said "mom, you know how they show fat people eating Cheerios and then they become more 'straight'. . . maybe you should be eating them!"