"Enjoy the little things in life ~ one day you'll wake up and realize they were the big things"

Friday, August 19, 2016

Maybe I'm alone in this (struggle), but yesterday was one of those days where my head was spinning with ENTIRELY too much to do. So much so ~ that I couldn't seem to focus on any of it. Transcripts, grades, papers that I couldn't locate , lesson plans, high school foreign language requirements, class schedules, etc, all whirled about me (can you tell I'm a homeschool mom and school starts soon?) 

In the midst of begging God for help JUST to be able to 'do the next thing', I remembered I was sitting next to a shelf full of amazing little oil bottles. These three in the diffuser were a game changer! Literally. God was gracious and I was finally able to make some significant progress on several things that I desperately needed to get done. Yay!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Meteor shower memories

Brrr!!  Whose crazy idea was it to sleep outside and watch the Perseid meteor shower? . . . oh wait, it was mine!!  Not sure what the experts say, but I think it was at it's peak at 3 am . . . and just for the record, it may be August, but it's QUITE cold and damp at 3 am!

Note to self: definitely repeat this experience!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


We decided that today is the day (to end this poor guy's pain and say goodbye).  Suki joined our family in 2004, when I was pregnant with Samuel.  We were living downtown, didn't really have a yard and I was about to have a 4th child (under the age of six) - I wasn't really feeling the need to take care of one more living creature! . . . BUT, I had a five year old who had been praying for a "small, white, fluffy dog - who didn't shed".

The night he arrived (on pretty short notice...) we happened to be eating carry-out pizza on the stairs (because we just had our carpet cleaned and it was still damp, and our furniture in disarray). So, we have a silly tradition of eating pizza on the stairs with Suki every year on the anniversary of that November night. The kids decided it would be fitting to do that one last time (a few months early) as a 'last supper' of sorts.

Run free, sweet boy, we'll miss you!