We like to set a leisurely pace on Christmas and don't usually even begin to open gifts until 10:30 or 11:00. This year was no different. By lunchtime, packaging and toys were strewn about the living room and it looked a little bit like a tornado had touched down. The kids were all very thrilled and thankful for the gifts they received ~ and in reality, we probably gave them too much. In spite of that, the deep down really fun part is that I think they truly "get it" (the older ones especially) that the real gift is still Jesus . . . born among the outcasts in a dirty, stinky stable ~ who came that we might have abundant life (both now and for all eternity), who came in a way that made no sense to give to us a life that does. We are daily aware of the many blessings He has poured into our lives. It's a wee bit late, but we wish you a Merry CHRISTmas!