We officially ended school for the semester on Friday (and got sick Saturday night!). Our homeschool seems to be a somewhat ecclectic mix of traditional curriculum and unit studies. The unit study we're doing right now is based on the first Boxcar Children book. Since it was our last week of school before Christmas break, the kids got to do a fun little "just because" kind of project and put together a simple wooden train model and attempt to construct a boxcar. Levi's favorite part was getting to use dad's saw! Emily discovered that she does better when the instructions are written out (rather than a diagram that just shows you "what goes where").

Our kids have really enjoyed wrapping gifts and piling them under (and around) our tree. Not all of them new gifts ~ one of the biggest boxes under the tree holds Levi's very cherished (enormous!) Nerf gun, that he's decided to give to Kevin. It's really been fun seeing how much joy the kids get in choosing surprises for their siblings and parents and their anticipation as they wait for them to be opened in a few more days. They also enjoyed being part of a Christmas performance at a little local church that we've visited a few times.