Last night we began a family Bible study with the kids . . . nothing fancy, just working our way through the book of Matthew. Kevin did a great job leading it :-) I loved hearing the kids' insights and comments ~ and how much knowledge and 'darn good sense' they already have stuffed in those little heads of theirs! (We already do some Bible study and scripture memory as part of our school day, but there was something extra special about having Kevin involved also).
Tonight, we were able to go and help (as a family) serve a meal to the homeless at a church downtown. The kids were great workers and really enjoyed themselves. Samuel did an amazing job pouring drinks (didn't even spill!) and Anna looked awfully cute behind a push broom twice her size! I wanted to be respectful, so I fought myself back from taking a lot of pictures. Emily was able to help on the serving line and the boys did a little bit of everything, though folding up the tables and chairs was no doubt their favorite. We weren't ten steps out the door afterward when they asked if we could go back next week! It will be a bit of a challenge to schedule, but we're looking forward to going back.