We got to see several drama presentations (which friends were in) & Emily's drama class performed their end of season production. We held a (very windy!) 25 cent yard sale and met some more people in our neighborhood. We've enjoyed some leisurely evenings in the park across the street and even got to have an impromptu playdate at the park with Grandpa (the kids enjoyed the huge "sombrero hat slide" and the tire swing). Anna went on her first official "non-relative" sleepover (all 5 kids spent the night with friends . . . and we got to enjoy a bonus date night!) Kelsey has arrived in Denver for her summer internship and we got to spend some time with her. We also checked out Castle Rock's annual Ducky Derby (a fundraiser/street festival). Emily was most fascinated with the cotton candy making process, the boys loved the firetrucks. The kids are excited for Field Day (which happens to fall on Anna's birthday ~ so she is SUPER excited!).
We aren't quite done with school at home for the year, but Emily is officially considered a "middle schooler" at our enrichment program (deep breath, silence the scream! . . . ) and Samuel is moving into Kindergarten in the fall. Swim team has started for Emily and the other four kids begin track and field next week.