Every November our little town of Castle Rock has a big event they call "Starlighting" (it's the night when they ceremoniously light the star on the top of the huge rock outcropping, the one which gives the town its name). Big town gathering, lots of vendors, various local businesses handing out fun little trinkets, crowds, activities, hot chocolate, Christmas carols, the works! -- it is the official beginning of the Christmas season for many who live here.
Our little church is perfectly situated in the downtown area to be right in the center of the Starlighting festivities. For many years they've offered a live nativity on the front lawn ~ complete with animals and actors! This year we (the church) added a "petting zoo" to the mix, which was a HUGE hit! Levi had fun being a shepherd in the nativity and several of the kids joined me in helping out with (and trying out!) the petting zoo. Fun, busy day!