We were invited by some friends to go sledding at a nearby campground (Jellystone Larkspur) and to visit the goats that we've become involved with over the past few months. It has snowed several times throughout the Christmas break and there is still a lot of snow everywhere. When we arrived at the campground, we decided we would head up to the barn to see the goats first and then go sledding. We were almost to the barn when my car (with brand new tires, but WITHOUT four wheel drive) decided it didn't really like the snow packed road I was driving on and started sliding backward. It came to a stop fairly quickly . . . in a snow bank!
We had quite an adventure attempting to get the car "un-stuck". I called the roadside assistance service (that is included in our car insurance policy) and they sent a very large tow truck to assist me. Things looked promising. The driver, however, could not get permission from his boss to take the very large tow truck up the road where my car was (b/c his boss was concerned that he would himself become stuck). He was very kind and tried determinedly to push me out. He made limited progress, but was unsuccessful in getting me back on the road (fortunately the service is included in our policy and didn't cost anything extra!).
Darkness fell, the temperature dropped and my little mini-van remained stuck!
On the other side of the campground, the kids (and my niece ~ who had come with us) had a fabulous time sledding and snowboarding and enjoying a campfire. As it grew dark, they put out the campfire and proceeded to have a most memorable time huddling in the nearby bathhouse for almost 30 minutes (attempting to stay warm) until I returned for them!
Several hours after our adventure had begun, the wonderful campground owner and his son teamed up and managed to pull me out . . . the kids were all rescued from the bathhouse and we were even able to visit our beloved goats before heading home!