Suffice it to say that the past few months have been a "whirlwind of crazy" for us. We are on the tail end of moving out of our house in Castle Rock and into a house in Larkspur (which if you aren't a local - is only about 15 minutes away). The house is smaller than our other one and doesn't have a garage (or a washer/dryer or working phone/internet service yet) . . . so moving has proven to be a bit of a challenge.
It does, however, give us a 100 acre backyard that we don't have to mow! (we are living and working at a Jellystone Park Campground). There is an abundance of wildlife right outside our door. Black bears, deer, rabbits, coyotes, squirrels, snakes, hummingbirds, lizards and chipmunks (along with the goats and our sweet little dog!) are an everyday sight.
Our weekends (especially) have been completely consumed with planning and running activities at the campground and we are still trying to sort out how to manage family life, homeschool, church, extended family and other relationships, sanity and sleep with any semblance of order or intentionality . . . thus far, we haven't managed well =(
We are convinced, however, in the midst of the chaos, that God has provided for us (and will continue to ~ as the days unfold here). We are exhausted, but excited!